Today.. i was a big fat red balloon...
there i go rising higher and higher, tugging at my long loose string...
plunging low and then whistling back up with a big whoooshhhhh..
now that was fun!!!
and what was that little tingle in my stomach.. was that just the gas which that little man, with tattered clothes and that big colorful tattered turban, filled me out with or was it that mysterious feeling they call happiness?
hmmm.. i don't know.. whatever it was.. it was making me literally float on the clouds with dreamy eyes and a light head(well i guess that is the usual state of 'head' for a big fat balloon :D but still.. it felt great :) )
I know all it would take is a tiny prick to send me swooshing off to an early death and if i survive that , then the air would just waltz out of me little by little and in a few days all that would be left of me would be a drab, shriveled out, dirty little piece of rubber..
but why spoil my bounce today by worrying about what i might be tomorrow eh?
so off i go again, dancing and dribbling...laughing away to glory as i swing my white string in a tango, with the wind drumming a steady beat.. carefree with my face lifted to the dizzying sun..
today i fly without wings..
PS: hey folks! Sorry for breaking my tradition of a post a day, but my net conn it seems was on a vacation (zonked out!! :( ).. but now i am back(hopefully) with a little parcel of my life and dreams each day.
hmm dreaming like this is quite gud ...well i hope your net conn remains gud, for us to read such nice posts.
wel do visit my new posts and again coz of you i got another thread of thoughts thru ur post
and i too hope my net conn stays good.. i did miss posting here
ha ha ha..that was good..u ve some creativity i must say :D...loved the post :)..keep it up
more then the post...the P.S. was imp...visited ten times (or more)and felt so depressed not to see another dream floatin....
now..abt the post..like Keats gt int nightingale (Ode to a nightingale)seems u too escaped into a balloon coz the expression is so perfect!which makes me wonder if you are a lit. student....(*-*)
Abt the P.S.-Don't break the tradition nw on...remember-a post a day, keeps bloggers like me keen...hhheehhhee...
cool free random post..loved it! And tnxx for dropping by :)
so finally sheeryy updates her superb zuperb blog and guess with what ? being a balooooon.........
wow, u write so well........
i love ur enthu!!!!!!
That was lovely write, very positive. Made me feel happy too :)
@d sinner
well i too missed posting here and will try my best to put in a post a day as long as my blasted net doesn't get zonked again
and by the way its great to know that i was missed
take care :)
thanks its great to know what i wrote had such a positive effect on you
i think i will forever wonder...
amazing expression sherry...loved u as a balloon :)
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