Tonight.. I am so lonesome I could cry...
I got two shocks today.. the first one was about a very close friend.. he is going through a very very tough time, everything that he built his life around is falling to pieces.. and no matter how much I want to comfort him and tell him not to worry.. to tell him that it will be ok.. I know there is nothing I can do and I don't have words to describe how frustrating that is..
I see him there, kneeling helpless
..in pain
I see his tears falling to the ground
..in vain
I see the demons attacking
..in packs
I see his blood spilling
..through cracks
I see his last breath wheeze out
..in defeat
I see him die
..at my feet
and like a statue I stand still
from my little safe bubble
watching the demons eat there fill
unseen tears fall blinded from my eyes
stopping at the invisible boundary
fate has built with my unheard sighs
the second was that my dad is leaving tomorrow for four months.It was so sudden.. I mean he told me today after dinner, and I just get to meet him for half an hour tomorrow and then he'll be gone :(
I'll miss him so much.. now I too need that party tomorrow to cheer me up :(
As Elvis Presley would have said..
I am so lonesome I could cry...