A lot of people have told me that I don't really share anything directly personal on this blog and I think they are right. I too feel the need to do away with creative pieces and write something direct and simple sometimes. But I love the whole mood and theme of this blog and don't want to spoil it with personal posts. So I have decided to start a new blog which would have a daily post about just me and my feelings.
I hope it would help you know me better. But don't go looking for any imaginative coups or wordy stuff. Its just a place where I can put up my feet, lay back and relax in my white cushiony slippers at the end of the day, counting off the ups and downs.. swimming in a gravy of feelings, just my own.
So, here is where to get up close and personal with Sherry :) sherrydaily
take care
PS: don't forget to read the post below, will surely put up the second part asap
read and blogrolled u!! :)
and i loveee the slipper pic, only im not a fan of nail enamel :P
I love the pic too.. have had it in my blog images folder for ages and had been dying to use it, it makes me feel comfortable and pampered, so this seemed like the perfect place to use it
and as for nail enamel.. I love it, but it never looks good on my hands or feet, so its been years since I used it :sigh:
and thanks for blogrolling me
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