I have just had an extended lazy weekend at home and have loads of lazy thoughts and ideas dreamily swimmimg in the clear blue ocean of my mind's sky... but then my routerwala seems to have taken a pledge of not coming and fixing my net router so I am down to scavenging a few minutes in the lab class for my blog and what better way to spend it than to reply to long overdue tags
There are three tags that i am going to deal woth in this post
the first one was by IMPRESSIONIST and goes like this:
I had to write a six word memoir and this is it...
I am a...
"wild adventure in a crazy dream
The second tag was by d sinner and its a quessionare about me.. do i hear any complaints that i don't share personal stuff here?? :D :D :D
Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. Name three most valuable assets?
a pencil, a diary and a well-stocked library(could be a lappy with a net conn in place of all three) (no i don't consider people as assets.. they are companions to be cared for and enjoyed.. not things to be used and valued for the level of assistance they can provide)
2. One truth in your life that haunts you every day?
2. One truth in your life that haunts you every day?
The fact that no matter how hard I try or how much i want to rebel.. there are still too many strings holding me down.. too many gates I can never cross..
3. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the four blog buddies you would take alongside with you?
3. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the four blog buddies you would take alongside with you?
hmmm.. I would love to take everyone 'coz each one has some unique characteristic that I never tire of studying, but if it has to be four.. it would be
Soup for her sheer joy of living.. there is such exuberance in her that she can make me smile and raise my spirits under any circumstances
Eternal optimista for being my guarding angel
Gonecase for being such an absolute darling all the time (and for his cooking abilities of course ;) ;) :P)
and reeta skeeter for being a great friend and such a lot of fun
4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
hmmm.... that would have to be the end of the universe and beyond and you bet i'll get there someday :D
5. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
5. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
hmm.... I know this sounds kiddish, but I wish i was a witch in Hogwarts amd a great one at that.. how about Ginny's sense of humour and her spirit combined with hermionie's brains??
6. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most?
I know a lot of people say "life is too short for regrets", but I think they are just being dishonest, I think its ok to have regrets, as long as you don't spend the rest of your life wallowing in them and thus turning it into one big fat regret
I know a lot of people say "life is too short for regrets", but I think they are just being dishonest, I think its ok to have regrets, as long as you don't spend the rest of your life wallowing in them and thus turning it into one big fat regret
as for my regrets.. I have quite a few, but the biggest one has to be not following a more artistic line of work and choosing to be an engineer just 'coz it was the safest bet even though I am convinced it is neither my destiny nor my field of talent
7.What are you afraid to lose the most?
My family, my freedom of choice and my imagination
8. What would you do if you found a briefcase full of money?
Try to get it to the rightful owner and if that's not possible then donate it (it doesn't belong to me and no i am not being a hypocrite)
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
no I am tooscared of rejection and too egoistical and basically just want to be vooed(did i mention i am too romantic??) ... but that doesn't mean i won't give out signals and if he can't understand them then i am sure he is just not worth my time
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
neha.. well, I don't know her personally but from what I have read.. She is a talented writer, socially conscious (she deals beautifully with so many sensitive issues, i wish i could write socially relevant things like she does.. girl you really make a difference) and a caring and sensitive person :)
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
aaaaaaaaah now this is going to be a very very long list(why do you think I am still single?? ;P )
(i)must have a great sense of humour
(ii)and a ready wit
(iii)and a sense of freedom and self
(iv) should be able to understand and respect what i write
(v) should respect my individuality and should treat me like an equal
(vi) but should still cherish me like a princess
(vii) should be head over heels for me :D
(viii) should know how to cook (guys i am just being practical!!)
(ix) should have nothing agaist books or dogs
(x) and yes how can i forget, should have an active imagination and a great sense of adventure and should be an absolute romantic(else i doubt he could live with me)
PHEW!!! could add a few more but I guess this covers the essentials ;) :D
12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Child abusers, religious fanatics, rapists, cheaters, people who look at life with rose coloured glasses, supposedly "perfect" people
13. What is your ambition?
13. What is your ambition?
To write a book that drives everyone crazy
14. My Question: If you were given the chance to have one super power.. what would it be and why?
hmm.. here I am confused between the ability to fly so that I can travel far and wide and explore and feel free
or the ability to be invisible, so that I could observe everyone unnoticed.. I think i'll chose the first one
14. My Question: If you were given the chance to have one super power.. what would it be and why?
hmm.. here I am confused between the ability to fly so that I can travel far and wide and explore and feel free
or the ability to be invisible, so that I could observe everyone unnoticed.. I think i'll chose the first one
15. For you life is?
The greatest epic adventure of all time, with you in the starring role
16. If you could do one thing different in life, what would it be?
I would have been nicer to my kid sis and more understanding towards my parents
17. Are you a shopaholic or no?
lets just say I can hardly wait for the time I'll be earning my own money so that I can spend it on all the books clothes and exotic things in the world
18. Which actress or actors you would like to be?
none.. I am a nautanki in my own right ;) :D19 what touches you?
20. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
yup.. I am going home!!! will be back on sunday
yup.. I am going home!!! will be back on sunday
last but far from the least we have Craziest and Gonecase's tag which goes like this:
I have to think of 7 random facts about me... hmmm.. now lets see.. just about everything about me is random so how the hell am I suppose to narrow it down to 7??? :|
chalo try karein
1) I absolutely love writing, nothing gives me more peace or pleasure
2)I love walking alone on my terrace barefoot, at night with just the moonlight.. sometimes I dance there and sometimes I talk to myself, pretend i am a princess or a witch or an ancient warrior.. its the best time of my day
3) I love Hot chocolate fudge and all kinds of dark chocolates... they make me go mmmmmmm.. :)
4) I am lazy to the point of being a sloth
5) I have discovered an all new passion--badminton which I try to play every evening, it gives me a mighty high and helps fill the otherwise empty evening hours.
6) I also enjoy painting with poster colours and gifting the results to my poor friends (coz i am arguably the world's worst painter)
7) I find tattoos on the back very very sexy ;)
as for tagging... hmmm... i tag maverick, rohit, anuj with the memoir tag
impressionist, craziest , gonecase, vandita and ankur with the questionairre tag
soup with the random facts tag
The memoir could also be written as crazy adventure in a wild dream.
And my list for #11 in second tag borrows heavily from yours. ;)
I love walking.
sherry is back n how???
itte saare tags :D...
i share the point 2 in Random (abt me) . . just llove walking barefoot on terrace but i watch stars :)
and am badminton champ (at least in corporate tournaments) :P ... its a really nice game.
sai h.. I thot only I was that demanding :D
ya.. stars are my oldest friends.. I have always felt a kinship for them
may be I belong among them ;) hehe
and as for badminton.. I am no champ but I am learning and its a lot of fun
okay..ek din ..will together go on a beach and will do star gazing.lying on the shore...whenever we meet!!!
Aila!! So many tags at once...velli:P
Liked the memoir thing. Very neat!
Good luck with finding that "perfect" guy:-)
Have fun playing badminton girl!
Thanks for the tag. Will do it sometime for sure:-)
all said and done ..
I am getting a Tattoo on my back, to the earliest possible convenience ;)
ps: where have I been? I have been around, you just had to turn ;) (hihihi)
@geet.. ure sounds like a great idea.. where are u by the way?
@craziest... velli.. :sigh: nothing describes me better at the moment :|
inni free to amin kabhi ni hui
khair thanks :)
and as 4 the guy.. i doubt there is anyone that perfect.. but i live in constant hope :D :D :D
don't forget to put up the picture on your blog ;) :D
and as for turning around.. *turn around and look behind my back* where where?? I can't see you anywhere.. are u wearing an invisibility cloak??
and thx for that tariff hn....lol...i feel overrated :P
thnx for doin it...
nys answers...gud to know u
ohh such pain and harwork and I would just put it on my blog .. no way .. it has to be one on one then :D
na i aint having any cloak or anything .. you should have looked a lil upstairs, I was on the second floor .. watching ova u ;)
u are one crazy girl!
u totally love doing tags dont u?
hehe! :D U wud return the money to the owner?
u seriously are 'crazy' if I got so much money i wud drink my life away! ;) hehe! :D
and also, i thought my name wud be among those 4 blog buddies, DARN!~ never knew i was so useless! :P
I am sure u deserve every word of what i said
aaaah ! now i see u
aren't u dat guy almost hanging off the railing? :P
i am a crazy narcissist :P
and good thing i don't drink ;) :D
i enjoyed readin all these a lot, esp the part abt u wanting to be a witch at hogwarts {wowie} and ur list of rqts from ur partner :)...believe me i have a longer one....:P
btw i chked in ur cbox u asked me to pick up any tag so i'll take the only one i havent done, the memoir tag... will be done asap
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