Recently, bloggerville was taken by storm by Mez's post on crush dedications.
It gave people a chance to express how they felt about their fellow bloggers and earned mez a whooping (and well deserved, for coming up with such a brilliant idea) 269 comments :D
personally I thought it was a lot of fun and spiced up the blogger scene and also added a bit of intrigue to a lot of lives (what with all those guessing games with all the anonymous comments ;) ;) :D)
This post gave me an idea.. since I love using pictures and personally think a picture can sometimes say a lot more than we can ever put into words, so, I have come up with my own version of the crush dedication and with mez's permission(it being an extention of her idea) here it is:
if there is any message you want to send to any co-blogger...it doesn't have to be a crush dedication or even something nice.. could be that you are pissed off with someone.. feel free to leave absolutely any kind of message in the comments section of this post
the only thing is this time, use pictures to say what you want to say
Use google or any other source to search for the image you think suits your thoughts or views and leave the link along with the name and link of the blogger you wish to dedicate that image to in the comments section of this post
i'll forward the message to the recipient through their comment sections
of course it will be preferable if you leave your name, but if that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to leave an anonymous comment :)
and yes try to stick to images but if you want to supplement them with a few words you are most welcome
all in all, I hope we all enjoy this little adventure.. I am already soooooo excited
so I guess i'll just shut up and let the pictures do the talking :)

PS: sorry for having had to discontinue writing a daily post on my other blog.. but now I AM BACK WITH MY DAILY POSTS!! :)
this one goes for Drozzy:http://jazzuncut.blogspot.com/
Message: i hate you coz i "Think" i am in lov with you..
u already GOT dedications :)))
sweet :)
now tell me.. whom is that image on yur post for ?! bolo bolo... heheh!
good idea girl ..lemme hunt for smething & smeone :):)
Hey, the collage is great and so is the idea, good job sherry :D
Rohit @ http://scrawlingmyself.
Addicted to u!!!:P
Rohit @ http://scrawlingmyself.
as u r
wat u r!!!
I have left a link at drozy's blog
I hope you get a quick reply from him soon
keep checking back for more
take care
no I haven't got any till now
If I get any, I'll add them to the post :)
and as for the pics in the post.. lol there is still no1 I can dedicate them to but I am looking hard ;) :D
and sure take your time.. It doesn't have to be a love dedication alone.. it could be anything..
oye aise bol dene se kaam ni chalega.. dedication bhi dalni padegi
chal shuru ho ja google pe search marna :)
I have left a link at rohit's blog
I hope you get a quick reply from him soon
keep checking back for more
take care
Mujhe kuch bolna hai kya? :P
Hey Sherry this is mine..
got to tell u this.. I dnt knw y .. cant get yu outta my head :)
Well, I have loadsa dedication!
I dedicate this to everyone on my blogroll including u!
U people simply rock!! Stay beautiful!
now u go and leave a message to everyone on my blogroll!
and another separate dedication for my buddy nothingman
For Nothingman
dood ur Fuckin Brilliant!
we should catch up sometime and go drinking!!
@anon... this is exactly how it is right now!
i am wondering but with fireworks
@sherry: its a smart post... :) keep it up
@drozzy : happens...
its ur wish
i have passed your message along to pri
lets hope she replies soon
keep checking
take care :)
impressionist ji.. u have to dedicate a picture here :|
thanks :)
Great idea!! Now tell me..if you are pissed at someone, that is an ok message to dedicate too? YIKES!
this one goes to
Gunj & Craziest
message : you were the first 2 people whom i got to know in this blogs world.bahot saara thank you for loving me and being my friends.
and i am always there for you.. do test me *GRINS*
Hugs and HUgs and HUGs and HUGS....
cool idea...n i can see i hav a dedication too..im happy! :)
aww veens, thanks soo much...that was soo sweet..
u made my day girl..and now i cant stop smiling! :D
here's my dedication pic to u---
friends like u are engraved in the heart forever :)
love and hugs!!
hey sherry!
thanks for informing me about veens dedication...
this is really a cool idea uve come up with :)
though i cant help wishing it was easier to find pics wch express what u feel...
keep up the great job! :)
take care!
hey!wow this's an amazing idea u've come up with..shall get bak to u wit a pic for some1 :)
Very neat idea...now I'll have to think of a dedication to make!!
Geet: Mmmmmmuah babe that was so so so sweet. Loved the pic:-)Tujhe zaroor "test" karoongi ladki *please don't get me wrong*
Hey sherry !!
This dedication is for my first blog friend ....Mez :))
Thanks Sherry!
This is for my real sweet friend gunj...
oye kudiye.. glad to have ya around :)
aish kar!
Rohit @ http://scrawlingmyself.
well, in my opinion, It is perfectly allright
if you can express how much u love comeone.. u have equal right to say how much someone pisses u off
*biting my nails*
Ooooooooooooo my whole reply to Shruti got deleted. sob sob sob :(
wow that was such a cute dedication.. i am sure gunj and craziest loved it too :)
thanks and as for the effort in finding the pics.. well i am sure the people we want to dedicate them to deserve the effort every bit :)
and tht was a very very sweet pic i am sure veens loved it
thanks.. and sure take ur time :)
thanku h ji
zarur zarur dhundo :)
I have left a link at mez's blog
I hope you get a quick reply from her soon
keep checking back for more
take care
heylo ji!
I have left a link on gunj's blog
i hope she replies back soon
tc :)
Thanks da Shruti babe..u laready heard from me abt this :D
Sherry keep going..lotta hardwork involved in this na :)
have passed ur msg to rahul
@geet n rahul
love u gus lots too!
thanks fo makin me smile...real hard!!
daaru ka effect free mein aa gaya ;)
thanks to you sherry that i gotta chance to make my friends feel special :)
kya hua?
hey dis is nice one...good idea....
fir se kar do:)
Wah Wah!! WAAAHH!! :) :)
engraved in my heart too...forever..
thanks Pri
Great idea...shall look out for pics
yup a lot!!!
hats off to u for handling 269 comments
I can hardly keep up with these
but its fun nonetheless
and feels great to be able to help people say things they want to say to each other :)
I am glad I could help :)
thanks :)
thanku h ji :D
sure whenever you have them :)
For freesherry:
Naaz,(D sinner)
haha..great idea this
and impressionist did give u loads of work!
Cool idea Freesherry - and thanks Impressionist
but what am I looking at?????
@big omi
thanks a lot for that pic.. but dude i am not a drug addict :)
i have forwarded ur message to
d sinner
but I don't have goonj's or alok's link
please give me the link so that I can forward it to them too
and yup he did
I have been pasting links to his blogroll for more than an hour :D
you are supposed to be looking at this link
@ Omi...
She ain't a doper .. shez a dreamer as ur profile goes..
A beautiful Dreamer
Thats Gunj.. I guess u got it now,
and Alok's :
i am a dreamer alright, but my dreams are not aided by a syringe
thanks anyway.. may be its a matter of difference in perception here
i'll forward ur message to gunj and alok
Impressionist, Thats soo sweet, thanks a ton sweetie.. :)
i am so damn sorry.. I failed to look at that syringe thing..
I will get you a new one..
@big omi
koi na.. it happens
and thank u sooooo much
this one was really sweet :)
Big Omi,
Hehe! Nice one dude! thanks! Appreciate it. Took a couple of seconds to get it, but nice finding!
Nice idea!
thanks :)
1. for solitaire www.gujjuben.blogspot.com
"would love to talk over coffee with u :)"
2. for mann www.shamannicdreams.blogspot.com
"hugs!! bubbles ..love u"
3. for bonnie www.randomness-personified.blogspot.com
"Sometimes you're the reason for everything!"
4. for cheri www.madhavichary.blogspot.com
"pure sweetness i.e. you"
PS: love the idea ... great one sherry :)
thanks Jeevy & sherry!
Thanks, Jeevy! For your keen perception:
thanks :)
have forwarded ur messages :)
u r most welcome :)
thanks for dropping by.. have forwarded ur message to impressionist
keep checking back for his reply
tc :)
this dedication is for ankur
for being such a nice understanding friend and an absolutely wonderful person.. a true star in every sense
take care :)
ty Impressionist :)
And tnxx Freesherry!
@ Vandita,
Would love to go out with you. You can sip coffee while I drink hot chocolate (I don't drink coffee or tea. :))
This message is for BigOmi of http://swallowedwithapinchofsalt.blogspot.com
Sourish at http://sourishkarmakar.blogspot.com/
4 U.
too all lovers on mah blog roll
Hey Dams (Vands)
Thanks a ton gal for sucha dedication :) will forwrd u ur dedication soon...
@ Sherry
Thanks a lot, you are really doing wonderful job dear by spreading love n friendship n wht not throughout the entire bloggerville n u so hold a place to get a treat :)
Will post u the dedications soon :)
Take care :)
Hey Sherry
here r the dedications
the first one to everyone on my blogroll n to http://www.fotosearch.com/ITS158/itf058002/u too..
Its u who make me smile always be it by ur posts or sweet posts..u just make me smile thank u for being such a friend..love u all :)
@ For Vands,Neers,Mann,Garu & Pratham...
As the rainbow spreads out love,life,color and just leaves a fresh marks,adds on a zing to the present..u do the same by filling my life with the colors n happiness always,Love u lods :)
Thanks a lot sherry once again surely this rocks :)
Hi Anonymous,
I never knew my absence bothered you so much.
I have stop commenting on your posts.
Its not in my upbringing to abuse anyone.
You showed your culture.
Anyways take care.
I loved reading your posts.
U r rocking.
keep it up.
@ anonymous,
I think you will like this one..
this one is for Keshi
i hope she likes it
For Mez
shes gorgeous........
@ freesherry... thanks 4 lettin me knw abt d dedication... lovely idea if i might add...
@ vands... thanks so much sweetheart... i luv u 2... :) hugs...
This ones for Niyara:
Trust me all she wants to thrive is books and her loved one.
Take Care.
N P.S sherry the pic tht goes to every person on my blogroll..certainly includes u too..u too r a deserving candidate for it :)
Sherry...this is for u
mez game :)... im glad u liked the idea :)
awww i loved both the pics sweetie ...thanks so much
love u loads too
im glad u liked it :)
hugs n love...
thanks sweets for forwardin everything around... heres something for u
thanks :)
i have passed your message along to big omi and souresh
hope they reply soon
@mad orchid
thanks a lot :)
I am glad u think i deserve it too :)
have informed the,m
hope they reply soon
keep checking the space for more :)
thanks a lot :)
@big omi
please leave niyaras blog address so that i can inform her :)
thanks sooo much
that was so sweet
i always thought of myself as more of a devil than an angel though ;) :D
but really that was really nice :)
PS: may i know who u r?
thanks soooooooo much
that was really sweet of u
It was the background of the image rather than the foreground...a clue would be the title of the image :)
we all have a devil inside us..n so do angels have them too :D
u dedicated me a gay pic... i kno who u r lady :D
jus m not in a frame to mess up wid... but dont take me that lightly
for u
it will itch nd it will burn to
so beware..
ur 100th comment sherry..
its very good thing u r doing
now m feeling relaxed.. :)
@ mads... thanx sweets... :)
@ freesherry... thanx yet agn :D
@sourish karmakar
thanks :)
u r most welcome :)
freesherry said...
u r most welcome :)
awesome :D
honey .. this is where my expertise is .. I am a sucker for pictures ;) ..
arite ..so here's one for you ..(no there was no point in being anonymous .. was it ..hehe) ..
~you are free, sway sherry ..sway!!
to show you the beautiful woooorld
*read hoarse voice*
Thats beautiful. Tnxx to whoever that Anonymous Dedicator was :)
lol thanks a lot for bringing that to my notice :D
so her'sthe correction
u r most welcome :)
no no there is no point in being anonymous :D
thank u sooooooooooo much
u r an absolute darling
both the pictures were awesome..
how I would love to go on the high ferris wheel and see the whole world spread out for me to explore..
hey mez!!
a very very happy belated birthday to u.. here is my dedication for you http://www.lacremepatisserie.co.uk/Chocolate_Gallery/Cake2large.jpg
may your life be as delicious as this cake and may it be just as tempting and sweet :)
I have already replied to anonymous.. tell her stop biting her nails now..
Anyways niyara's - http://niyara.blogspot.com
@ Anonymous - Am shocked at the compliment :) Thanks a ton but i really wud wanna know who that is :O
@ Freesherry - Ahoy! Whatta delicious cake.U know they are my weakness big big time. Thanks sweetie and i owe u a treat wen am in India :)
@mez u are most welcome :)
I am looking forward to that treat and yes when u get back, you'll get a real chocolate cake pakka se
tc :)
@big omi
have passed on your message to niyara
hope she replies soon
keep checking
to freedom sherry ;)
whts ur name sherry? :P
that was breathtaking :)
here's one for you..
life is a limitless ocean of limitless experiences waiting to be felt.. and it is good to have friends who are just as eager to explore its depths :)
and my name.. well if i tell u i'll have to kill u :P
@Mez...What was so shocking in it??
It is the truth aint it :)
@ Sherry - Sure pucca se..dare u back out n run away wid da cake.lol
@ Anonymous - Am sure u kiddin me and having a good laugh at my expense.Hah..btw who are u?
i would not have said that if i had not meant it :)
who am i?? i am nobody
just a stranger :)
@ Anonymous
Hmm..Okies no probs if u dont wanna tell. I thought maybe u wud wanna give some hint atleast. Anyhowz thanks for the dedication :)
haha ..you know what, I am dead already, so you can whisper it in my dead ears ..
i can give you a hint..
you can guess...
I am the same stranger who dedicated a comment to you when you took up this venture first....
hehe don't worry i'll pakka se not run away with your cake.. it will be waiting right here with it :)
@ Anon - Wow whata hint..it's like u askin me to choose an American from a group of Americans.Maybe name of place wud be a better hint.
ha ha ha ..the name of the place would be a total give away..
anyways to supplement the hint given earlier...i dedicated a song to you in your post that you thought was very peppy..now go look in your post...to find out who i am :)
Hi Sherry, thanks for notifying me. First of all very sorry for the delayed response, because of my hectic work schedule and change in my place of job now, where it will take me sometime to settle down in the absolutely new environment. This is really a cool concept & thanks very much Rajeev also for the dedication.... Wishing you a very wonderful life ahead & your efforts. Thanks
thanks :)
Thanks for the notification and sorry for the delayed reply!Thanks to Rajeev for the dedication.
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