In ways It has shaped what I am today
Freeville has been my very own drama stage, where I have been evrything I could dream of.
I have been a green green grasshopper and a roaring auto..
I have been a naughty cat :meow: and an innocent pair of dance slippers...
I have made hearts go ooooooh with my hot chocolaty oomph
and hopped around as a pair of orange laced shoes..
and what an audience I have had.. people who have accompanied me on every crazy whacky adventure that captured my fancy
I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as i did.
Now its time to take a little break
My laptop went kaput a couple of days back and my college came to an end today (Everybody around me is getting their hair ironed and pealing packs off their faces as i write this.. getting ready for the farewell, three hours from now) I am going home a few days from now (after my final examz) and since there is no net at home(my sister is in class 10 so no net, no loud music, minimum television.. yes yes life as an elder sibling seriopusly sucks!! :sigh: :sigh:) so I am officially closing my blog temporarily for a few months.. I'll definitely miss this space and everyone who visited it
i hope i too shall be missed
but then again... I'll be back soon
Noooooo don't...Come back ASAP Arnold ishtyle:D
Will definitely miss reading your page. Good luck for your exams! Ciao
be back soon!!!
hope to see ya real soon!!
all d best!
tc :)
come back soon! we'll be here! :D
hope to c yu soon girl...:)
Do find time to write one-liners once in a while...
You've got a great space here, don't let it die!
Good luck for the exams.
Hope to see you back soon! :)
Aiyo!! U too?
i'll miss u sherry... come back jaldi se ...
Hey see you back soon...
Besties for exams!
yaar jaldi aana...
will be waiting...final sem eh? jhande gaad kar aayiyo :)
well u ve a promise to keep up too...i hope u do that :)...tc n enjoy..
Missin ya!
You would be missed :)
oye ladki, u hv been tagged....do i t wehn back
Tagged you!
kahaan ho???
bahaut time beet chuka hai!!!
Aww darn! I was hoping youd be back by now :(
Dedicated dedication!
hey when u come back..visit me!
blogrolled u ;)
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