I feel a gentle thump in my foot where his knee had crushed it blue
I feel a soft coolness where the wind from the overhead fan is drying the trailing tears
I feel a numbed warmth as fresh blood flows out of my crumpled fingers
I feel a dull sensation in my head where the hair were pulled out of their roots
I feel a bubble burst as blood boils out of my right ear
I feel a smoky burn near my navel where a new cigarette mark joined the scores before
Of pain, indignity, injustice.. I feel Nothing
These are dead bodies I buried years ago in a lonely grave.. along with love, trust and pride
A grave with no flowers.. A grave with no care.. A grave i no longer visit, to mourn
I raise myself by my good arm and stagger to the kitchen, mentally calculating the time it would take to cook his favourite dinner... stumbling on my torn skirt.. shivering in mid step.. careful not to wake him up, as he shifts in his drunken slumber..
dark and painful....leaves me with a lump in the throat.
almost scary...gave me gooseflesh!
U surely have way ur with words. Mystic!
"Of pain, indignity, injustice...along with love, trust and pride"
Loved those 3 lines!
You seem to be getting better with every post...Depressing it was, but beautifully written!
wow!! that was an intense piece... very well written.. i felt both fear and disgust,, and those emotions are difficult to bring to the surface if the writing is not stellar... bravo!!!
this was well written...but depressing...
woah grl...
the way u said abt breaking the record, i thot it was smthin...
sunno, i wud rather compliment u for this...so well described....few wrds and so much u said...
picture looks like me...
macchar :P :P :P
hmmm... I hope it can leave an impact
domestic violence is an issue I feel strongly about even though I have never witnessed it first hand
just imagine how scary it would be to live a life or rather a living death like this
thanks :)
thank u ji
it wasn't meant to be depressing.. it was just an effort on my part to bring to light an issue like domestic violence
thanks.. I am honoured by the compliment
@humble devil
hmm.. it wasn't meant to be depressing.. just thought provoking
@d sinner
I wasn't talking about breaking a record.. just a promise to myself that I wouldn't write anything depressing on this blog
I am honoured
as long as the story doesn't I doubt it should matter :D
*any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental* :D :D
you toh after my life..
Well written devi ji !
beautifully written...
i hope some day, we human will realize that we r human... :)
Sadist is the story all abt, and its where the world is leading towards, we fight for no reason, we feel bad when we see others happy, we fight hard for wat is not ours, we dont believe in each other anymore...
What we believe in is that how can we be the most happy... oh... i shld say rich???
but becoming rich or so materialistic is not goign to make us happy... i m sure :)
U write well :)
@johny cigar
ole ole ole :P :P :P
thanku h ji.. but apki ajkal ki kahaniyon ke samne to kahan hum kuch hn
and yes, how can we ever call ourselves advanced and progressive and "human" till we are as barbaric as this
why wud u write something so darn sad sherry??
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